Category Archives: Messages


Beverly Hills Moratorium

sac rally photos-1Hi Everyone,

I am happy to report that the city of Beverly Hills have placed a Moratorium to stop fracking and unconventional methods of oil extraction in Beverly Hills. Whooopie! This vote passed unanamously with one council member absent. They too, understand the risks associated with the methods imposed. They have 1 oil well currently in Beverly Hills and they do not plan to extend their lease when it expires in 2016. Oil drilling does not fit their current land use ordinance. Beverly Hills are celebrating their centennial anniversary this year and they plan on having a “safe and healthy environment” for the next 100 years.

I must say Beverly Hills Elected Officials were very warm and welcoming. They were appreciative of Carson and other cities coming before them to express their concerns and experience with oil drilling proposed or going on in their neighborhoods.

With many cities passing moratoriums, bans to fracking, and unconventional drilling methods, hopefully Governor Brown will get the message and stop it all together in California and support SB 1132.

Thanks Beverly Hills!



sac rally photos-1Our fight with Oxy is not over

By Latrice Carter


Hello Everyone,

Our fight with Oxy is not over. It’s time for ALL Carson residents to come out in numbers to the Emergency City Council Meeting on 4/29/14. If you care about your home and your neighborhood, this is the time to prove it and stand up for your rights to health, property and a safe environment in our neighborhoods.  Continue reading


It’s Time for Carson Residents to Wake Up! It’s Time for change.

About Vergie E


By Dr. V. Seymore

Its Time PeopleIt’s time for action! It’s time for people who care to, in the words of the late civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, be “sick and tired of being sick and tired.”

It’s time to stop putting off until tomorrow what we should be doing today such as becoming more involved in the present and future education of our young people.

It’s time to stop being afraid to say what’s on your mind to elected leaders and speak out. They were elected by the people, for the people and they get paid by the people and that includes you.

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FYI – As a courtesy, I am forwarding this statement I sent to the Daily Breeze.

Albert_RoblesThe concern that has caused me to request an item be placed on our agenda for the next City Council meeting next week on March 4th calling for this Oxy project to be shelved and stopped in its tracks is that we have absolutely no idea who we will be dealing with in the operations and management of this Project. The City of Carson is completely clueless and in the dark as to who, what company or what individuals will be managing the operations of this so-called Oxy Project. In fact the only thing we know for sure about who will be managing the operations of the Oxy Project – is that it will not be Oxy.

Read complete Oxy email by Councilman Albert Robles


Councilman Albert Robles’ Response to Carson Connected’s email Connected We Can Live Life Unlimited where we sent out special thanks to Dr. Rita Boggs.

Albert_RoblesRead complete email response by Councilman Albert Robles HAT flyer provided by Councilman Albert Robles Anonymous flyer provided by Councilman Albert Robles Councilman Albert Robles’ Response to Carson Connected’s email Connected We Can Live Life Unlimited where we sent out special thanks to Dr. Rita Boggs. With all due respect, and to the extent it even matters to you, I DID NOT refer to or call all Carson residents or Senior Citizens liars as Ms. Boggs erroneously claimed at the city council meeting last night. And for you now to applaud someone without checking or inquiring about the facts is a disservice to your readers and undermines your cause.

Read complete email response by Councilman Albert Robles

Read HAT flyer provided by Councilman Albert Robles

Read Anonymous flyer provided by Councilman Albert Robles


Dr. Ritta BoggsConnected We Can Live Life Unlimited

I applaud the residents of Carson for attending the City Council Meeting and letting their opinion be know on the evaluation of the City Attorney.

Job Well Done

A special THANKS goes out to Dr. Rita Boggs

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Employee Performance Evaluation for the Position of City AttorneyEmployee Performance Evaluation for the Position of City Attorney

The City Council Meeting Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Closed Session Agenda ITEM NO. (6) Public Employee Performance Evaluation for the position of City Attorney states the Council will be evaluating the position of City Attorney in closed session; it is not clear what the intention is.

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Citizens, Residents, Friends

We need Volunteers to help get our community to attend the: 

Joint Planning Commission and Environmental Commission Workshop

Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 6:30 PM

Helen Kawagoe Council Chambers,

City Hall 701 East Carson Street Carson, California 90745

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Carson Community Calendar

We’re expecting 2014 to be an extremely productive and exciting new year filled with hard work and great connections. To help these connections occur, Carson Connected, Inc. is providing a free Carson Community Calendar to publicize 2014 events, hosted by Carson organizations and residents. Each community event will have a space available to include: event information; and your event flyer; or a link to your website. Your event flyer can be attached as a pdf or jpg file to your email. Information for your event must be submitted to:

Carson Connected Event Flyer

Check Out What’s Happening in January “Let’s Get Connected” Community Meeting Join us every third Saturday 11 am ~ 1 pm

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