Category Archives: Uncategorized

New evidence needed to stop drilling has been presented to the City of Carson

In light of the recent increase of earthquakes here in Carson, Carson Connected requested Dr. Tom Williams to do some research on earthquakes.  Dr. Tom found form 1940 to 2014 (64 years) we had averaged less than 1 earthquake a year within a 1 mile radius of the Oxy Project.  Which brings us to the first 9 months of 2015, we have had 7 earthquakes, and the only thing we are aware of going on within the 1 mile radius is Oxy and the fact they have resumed and stepped up production this year.

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This is what the Carson City Council feels we should welcome into our communities.  What a joke!!


David Letterman

David Letterman gives us his take in fracking. Posted by Grant MacLaren.
Perhaps you’ve notice the similarities between Tobacco advertising and that of the Natural Gas Industry.
Years ago the tobacco industry vehemently denied any connection between smoking and health issues.

Thank You

CarsonThanks to the planning commissioners for not succumbing to the pressure and taking the time needed to work through and submit a truly comprehensive oil and gas code.