Beverly Hills Moratorium

sac rally photos-1Hi Everyone,

I am happy to report that the city of Beverly Hills have placed a Moratorium to stop fracking and unconventional methods of oil extraction in Beverly Hills. Whooopie! This vote passed unanamously with one council member absent. They too, understand the risks associated with the methods imposed. They have 1 oil well currently in Beverly Hills and they do not plan to extend their lease when it expires in 2016. Oil drilling does not fit their current land use ordinance. Beverly Hills are celebrating their centennial anniversary this year and they plan on having a “safe and healthy environment” for the next 100 years.

I must say Beverly Hills Elected Officials were very warm and welcoming. They were appreciative of Carson and other cities coming before them to express their concerns and experience with oil drilling proposed or going on in their neighborhoods.

With many cities passing moratoriums, bans to fracking, and unconventional drilling methods, hopefully Governor Brown will get the message and stop it all together in California and support SB 1132.

Thanks Beverly Hills!



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